
Interreligious → Islam

Notable Muslim Reform Women – (plus notes about Islam from a woman historian)

April 13, 2023

Notes gathered for a handout available to Interfaith Inquiry participants, August 25, 2022 “We need a new theology, a period similar to the Protestant Reformation. . . .“ Mohammad Iqbal (a philosopher-poet who called for an Islamic reformation). “Reformers are clergy, intellectuals, activists and more. Reformist ideas appear in many books, articles, videos etc. . […]

Interfaith Inquiry – Handout Nov. 10, 2022 – Notes from Islamic Resources

Waging Peace on Islam – Christine A. Mallouhi (Christian from Australia married to/lived among Muslim) “Fasting and Ramadan” p. 192 ff – Ramadan is a month dedicated to spiritual pursuit of pleasing God by searching ones inner self and making straight what is wrong; reflecting on the progress of ones’ personal spiritual journal, purifying oneself […]

Seeing is Believing—The Henry Martyn Institute, Hyderabad, India

October 12, 2020

Requested by Institute that I write this when doing research there – March 21-28, 2003 Introduction. Imagine an unlighted cement stairway five feet wide, just off a busy street in Hyderabad, the capital city of India’s south-central state of Andhra Pradesh. A dark, wooden guardrail is in position to assist downward traffic. Grayish, plastered walls […]