Reporting about Teaching “Bible and Sexuality” at Goshen College, 1980-1996 Chapter appears in Decades of Feminist Writing, DYN self-published, 2020 The title of this article repeats the title of a fine book edited by James B. Nelson and Sandra P. Longfellow. Not available as a book until the final semesters that I taught the elective […]
A Few Beginning Observations/Suggestions Initially prepared for MCUSA (Mennonite Church US) Women in Leadership Committee – June 2012 (Possible ideas for a working committee so not fully prepared for publishing.) Although women around Elizabeth Cady Stanton (late 1800s, The Woman’s Bible) and scholars of the 1920s like Katherine C. Bushnell (God’s Word to Women) and […]
Paper initially written for Dr. Suzanne Hiatt, Episcopal Divinity School Chapter appears in Decades of Feminist Writing, DYN self-published, 2020 This essay draws from research in multiple libraries: Radcliffe University‘s fine Schlesinger (History of Women in America), Harvard Divinity School (early periodicals and Unitarian archival materials), Congregational (denomination focused, Beacon Street, Boston), Harvard’s main Widener […]
Paper initially written for seminary “Women in Church and Society,” Prof. John Howard Yoder Chapter appeared in Decades of Feminist Writing, DYN self-published, 2020 I was one of few Mennonite women who, as early as 1973, did research into” The Woman’s Bible written and compiled by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her Revising Committee. Access to […]
Paper initially written for Medieval Christian Thought Seminary Course – Prof. John S. Oyer – Dec. 1979 Chapter appears in Decades of Feminist Writing, DYN self-published, 2020 As is true with interpretation of scripture, all recording of history includes bias. A historian’s orientation enters through the material selected to report on, how it in turn […]