Hymn: Large crowds assembled in one place – based on Acts 2: 1-18
To be sung with Tallis’ Canon
Words by Dorothy Yoder Nyce
Large crowds as-sem-bled in one place,
felt Spir-it wind con-sume their space.
As tongues of fire split over each,
the Ho-ly prompt-ed all to preach.
That crowd, a-mazed, drew neigh-bors near,
to check on lang-uage, strange but clear.
How can this be? Who deems to know
why each with others’ tongues bestowed?
The Medes and those from Lib-ya far
could not con-tain their yen to spar.
Are these not still from Gal-i-lee?
What does this mean? Is wine a key?
But proph-ets keen had long since told
that sons and daugh-ters, young and old,
would dream and sa-cred vi-sions see,
when God as Spirit poured forth–free.
So, may all we who fol-low Christ
speak with new warmth, in Truth u-nite.
En-light-ened by Div-ine em-brace,
caught up like wind, made one by grace.